Un articulo de "Modern Mechanix" nos revela cifras que aun ahora son de ficción o de estudio arqueológico, objetivamente estamos hablando de EU que siempre ha tenido una industria editorial muy fuerte a despecho del año (1933) en pleno crack económico lo que ganaban los colegas americanos por semana me despiertan una verde envidia.
How Comic CARTOONS Make Fortunes
The “funnies” you read every day bring $8,000,000 a year to a small group of 200 cartoonists. How they rose to the top and how you can enter their select circle is told here by leading comic artists.
THAT laugh you had today over your favorite funny strip is worth money— $200 to $1,000 a day to the cartoonist that made you chuckle.
His pen and ink characters are part of a great $8,000,000 industry that is far from overcrowded and that is practically depression proof.
Of the 200 successful cartoonists today the majority were not “born artists.” In many cases they were not artists at all, but just fellows with a knack for sketching who thought of a good idea or a funny character that “made a hit” with an editor and eventually with newspaper readers.
El articulo completo aquí.
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