
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Descarga Blender 2.78a el software de animación, GRATIS

Blender 2.78a

Blender 2.78a es la última versión de Blender Foundation, lanzada el 30 de setiembre 2016. 
Para descargar escoja su plataforma desde el punto mas cercano de descarga.

Blender es totalmente Free & Open Source Software. Puede ser usado para cualquier fin, siempre.

Puede leer sobre las nuevas características desde  Blender 2.78a Features page.

 Blender 2.78a for Windows

Compatible with Windows 10 | 8 | 7 | Vista

 Blender 2.78a for Mac OSX

Requires Mac OS X 10.6+


 Choose a mirror

 Blender 2.78a for GNU/Linux

Requires glibc 2.11. Suits most recent GNU/Linux distributions

Source Code

There are multiple ways to get the source code for blender. If you are going to actually try to use the source code you should really use Git to checkout the latest version. If this is of interest to you, see our getting involved with development section. 

 Download Blender 2.78a Source Code

MD5 checksum

Download the md5sum to the same directory as the source tarball and run the following command to verify the integrity of the download.$ md5sum -c blender-2.78a.tar.gz.md5sum

 Bleeding Edge

Do you like the taste of danger in the morning? We've got exactly what you need, daily builds. 

Discover the latest features, often undocumented, unstable, and full of surprises. There might be cool bug fixes too, but we do not recommend to use this builds on production environments though. These are automatically built on our servers just like regular stable releases, but instead they use the latest snippets of magic code developers write. Every single day. 

With great power comes great responsibility, go grab your daily build

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