
martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Cartoon Forum is back in Toulouse with 69 new European animated TV series

Funny skeletons, aliens in underpants, old ladies explaining economics: European animation has no boundary in imagination as it can be seen in the 69 animation TV projects selected at the 24th edition of Cartoon Forum. Taking place in Toulouse from 17 to 20 September 2013, the annual pitching event forum will bring together close to 800 professionals from 30 countries in order to boost co-productions and speed up projects’ financing.

The strong vitality of smaller countries: Belgium, Ireland and Finland

France continues to be the driving force behind European animation, presenting 21 of the projects selected for this year’s edition, followed by the United Kingdom with 10 pitches. Belgium, Ireland and Finland show a significant growth compared to previous years with respectively 8, 7 and 5 projects. Germany will present 5 series, Spain 3 and Poland 2. The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden will be present with 1 project each, while Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland are present as co-producers.

Almost half of the projects are cross-media

In terms of format, European producers continue focusing on cross-media, enabling 43% of the pitches at Toulouse to be viewed on mobile phones, video-games, tablets or the internet, in addition to television screens.

The projects presented imply a total investment of 217 million euros and some 400 hours of shows.

10% of the shows target young adults and adults

In line with the growing number of children’s television channels across Europe, 45% of the projects are aimed at children 6-12 years. Pre-school series represent one third of the projects and 10% of the shows are aimed at the “new” target of young adults and adults.

Cartoon Forum has multiplied European co-productions

Nearly half of the projects are co-productions between two or more countries, demonstrating the efficiency of the Cartoon Forum formula, which since its creation in 1990 has propelled animation to become a leader in the European audiovisual sector and one of the continent’s main audiovisual exports.

To date, Cartoon Forum has helped 500 animation series obtain financing to the tune of over 1.7 billion euros.

Animation will shine in the whole region

Cartoon Forum is reserved for professionals but the inhabitants of Toulouse and the Midi-Pyrénées region will also enjoy the best of animation with “On Cartoon” festival, a side event which will offer some recent European films, introduced by the director or producer, as well as a selection of short films by local talents.

Training for the next generation: the coaching programme

Besides, a group of students will have an in-depth overview of the animation industry and the challenges involved in launching a project thanks to a coaching programme that will be held during Cartoon Forum.

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