
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Professional Comic Book Creation Workshop, EEUU.

Sábado, 19 de marzo · 10:00 - 15:00

The Frator Heru Institute
1046 W. Jefferson St. – LL
Philadelphia, PA 19122

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Más información
This portfolio-building workshop is offered in collaboration with The Frator Heru Institute / First World Komix, Inc. and Sokoya Comics. Participants will be taught how to enhance their drawing skills, apply for copyrights, self-publish and properly present themselves as knowledgeable professionals in the expanding comic book industry, a marketable and lucrative profession. This workshop is for those select few (15 max. ea. semester) who are serious and focused on the goal of exploring a career in the comic book industry. The work of selected participants will be featured on The Frator Heru Institute (TFHI) website and at the 10th Anniversary East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention (ECBACC, Inc.) in May 2011.

There is no charge for admission. Seating is first-come, first-served. Attendees will be allowed to register for admission to the May convention.

Funded by The Wm. Penn - North Philadelphia EPIC Stakeholder Groups

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