
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Cartoon Carnival With JoeBev‏

Cartoon Carnival with Joe Bev
Monday, November 16, 2009 7:00 pm
Glendale Library Auditorium
222 E. Harvard St. Glendale, CA 91205

Admission is FREE. No reservations are required.

Proceeds from the sale of books to benefit the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archives.

Meet in-person: Joe Bev, June Foray, Bill Marx (son of Harpo); Mark Evanier; Earl Kress; Gregg Berger, and buy an autographed copy of Joe's Uncle Dunkle book, and June and Bill's autobiographies.


From Mel Blanc to June Foray, from Disney to Hanna-Barbera, "Cartoon Carnival" is a lively hour of rare and classic cartoon audio, children's records, cartoon music and sound effects, new radio cartoons, interviews and mini-documentaries about the wonderful world of animation.

"The first radio cartoon show ever!"
Listen online EVERY day at
3 PM (PDT), 5 PM (CT), 6 PM (ET)

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