
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

Alguien habría visto ya Dragon Ball Movie

En Cool News un lector dice haber visto el preview de la pelicula aun sin completar todos los FX y las tomas adicionales que se ha pedido volver a filmar ante la avalancha de criticas . Para él no es tan mala pero tampoco es buena, pueden leerlo AQUI, PERO CUIDADO SI LA INFORMACIÓN ES CORRECTA HABRIA SPOILERS
Overall, I would give the movie a 6.5/10 simply because i was expecting disaster but it turned out better. The positives I mentioned coupled with some cool funny goku moments like eating a massive turkey etc. were hilarious. If only Master Roshi was perverted and Shenron was visible I would have given this 9 but ah well they messed up there. Hopefully they will fix shenron as they still have 5 months to movie's release but if not then well fuck you to fox and james wong. But in all seriousness I am glad it aint the disaster I thought it would be. Hopefully you guys will post this.

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